July 8, 2024

“Congratulations to my mum as she be the latest landlady in Town” – Flowerboy reveals

Congratulations to my mum as she be the latest landlady in Town – Flowerboy

i kept my promise


I remember coming back from school feeling sad I couldn’t play that day in school I don’t know why but I could feel something was wrong when I got home running under that heavy rain

Rushing to enter inside my uncle’s house then I look beside my uncles house to the building opposite and saw my dad and mom standing with their backs all in front of them and my mom was crying and when she saw me my junior brother she busted into more tears

I was confused at Dan but I understood what was happening. This is not our house. My dad has called me to decide of an uncompleted building two weeks back and told me look at this house.

This is not our house told me a story of how he gave his life into smoking and doing up different things and he ended up staying at my uncle‘s place with his wife, which is not right I was still very little, but I was , listening to him so particular I knew what was happening.

My father and my mother had been chased away from that house.

I met my mom crying and I made a promise to God and I made a promise to myself.

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